Thursday, October 1, 2009

Proposal for Drought Relief in Western Rajasthan

Short Term Intervention
Distribution of grains (Bajra) in the community on subsidised rate.
Grains (Bajra) are not available in the villages and it is available on high prices , so, the poor community could not be able to purchase. The growth of bajra in the field are also very poor. We can provide them grains like bajra on subsidised rates.
Distribution of livelihood kit to the widows, orphans, disabled, single women at free of cost.

We can provide a kit of raw materials for daily food preparation to widow women, disabled, destitute, single women.
Fodder supply in the villages for cattle (Goat, Sheep, Cow, Camel)
As you can understand about the high price of the fodder and availability of fodder are nil in the village even in the block. Government have no facility for the goat and sheeps. So, there is a need to supply fodder for the cattle from Ahmadabad, MP state.
Water supply in the villages
There is no optimal water supply in the desert areas so we can supply water by tankers to the village at least twice in a week to our intervention areas.
Health check up camps for cattle and community
As you know from our concept note, the cows and goats became died due to drought so, there is need to take care of cattle in our coverage areas by periodical health check- up camps for cattle.
The community members are also not taking daily bath and daily nutritional diet by the women and children. Possibility of RTI/STD and unhygienic condition may cause seasonal diseases like malaria, cold, cough, diarrhoea, typhoid etc. So, we can organize health checkups camp once in a month for the community members.
Construction of Tanka/ Tankli
Tanka is a storage facility for water and it’s for public /community and tankli is a personal house water storage system. In the community there is no optimal facility for that, so we can do for the poor people (dalits,/BPL/widow/ single women/disabled/SC/ST)

Long Term Intervention
Agriculture support – Distribution of seeds, cash support for sawing in the field and preparation of field for cultivation, Kana Bandi (protect water stability in the soil for fertility)
The villagers are having their own land but it is arid so, they need to make their land fertile through stabilization of water by med bandi or kanabandi , they need seeds on subsidised rates or may be at free of cost, cash support for sawing seed in the field.
Rural Extension -Technology transfer for production of Ber, amla throgh horticulture and Kumbhat and Khejri through agronomy
We can support them to protect environment by care of local trees like ber, amla, kumbhat, khejari. We can do the technology transfer through KVK (Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Datta) by doing horticulture and agronomy.
Fodder bank,Grain Bank, Seed bank
In our intervention areas we are working with strong CBOs. Establishment of Fodder Bank, grain bank and seed bank can make community easier to get fodder, grains, seeds on nominal rates at local level and for the effective implementation it can be run by the help of CBOs
Construction of agor (water catchment during rains) and beri
To get the permanent source of water we can support them to construct agor (system for water catchment during rains) and beri construction according to the geographical situation
Policy reform for the widow women, dalits, SC/ST, disabled etc, reforms in welfare schemes.

Integration of women in handicraft as income generation programme.
Around 90% women are involved in local handicraft on traditional basis not in commercial, so we can develop as strong entrepreneurship.

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